
V1 Home 2.0 Premium Crack
V1 Home 2.0 Premium Crack

A Default Friend for all New Users - New users to BBM Music will now have a default friend listed as a contact.To access the intelligent shuffle, on the home tab click “shuffle” which will display the shuffle menu shown below. Intelligent Shuffle - Intelligent shuffle offers you the ability to shuffle songs by favorite songs, genre, artist, song popularity, album, contact, release year or recently added.You will now have the ability to search by “favorite”contacts within the contacts tab. This will add a highlighted yellow star beside the contact’s name in the contacts tab which will only be visible to you. Favorite songs will be displayed to your friends in Recent Updates For a favorite contact, when you visit a contact’s page you can select “favorite” from the top menu bar. When the star is highlighted yellow, this will indicate the song as a “favorite” and you will now be able to access this song through “favorite songs” on your profile tab. ‘Favorite’ Songs and Contacts - You can now highlight songs or contacts as favorites in BBM Music 1.2! To favorite a song, you need to click on the star displayed in the top left hand corner while listening to a specific song.Invitation Requests - Discovering similar musical tastes just got easier! When an invitation request is sent from a ‘friend of a friend’ through Recent Updates you will now be able to view songs and the common friend before accepting/declining an invitation.Looking at the list, here's a short summery of what has been changed:

V1 Home 2.0 Premium Crack

This release, pushes BBM Music into version and actually brings along quite a few changes with it.

V1 Home 2.0 Premium Crack

A new build of BBM Music is now appearing in the BlackBerry Beta Zone.

V1 Home 2.0 Premium Crack